Thursday, September 29, 2005

So I have this raging cold with the runny nose, cough and that annoying nasally voice thing. Anyway at work yesterday the girl who came in to relieve me says, "wow, you sound really sick!". Then she proceeds to wipe the phones with alcohol towellettes. I wasn't sure if I should be understanding (she doesn't want to get sick) or be pissed (it's not like I was licking the phones all day). Then when I get home I go to kiss my hubby and he gives me a little hug and says, with a grimace on his face, "wow, you sound really sick!" I say, "yeah, I've heard." Being sick sucks! The only nice thing about yesterday was when I was tucking Ricky into bed he said "I've got a cold too mommy so you can kiss me!" Excuse me while I melt!


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