Tuesday, September 13, 2005

As you can tell it's been awhile...Haley and Ricky started school this week and it's going great. Haley's teacher is wonderful and creative but firm, which is just what Haley needs. Ricky's teacher is sugar sweet and young which is just what Ricky likes :) Scott is on his last week of 3rd shift and anxious to start his new job. I am working non stop. Oh yeah, And my EX best friend shows up at MY family function and helps herself to brunch like the bitch was invited! Just a bit of background, she was my best friend, I was 100% invested while she was...Well...A backstabbing bitch. Come to find out she was 100% invested in trying to get with my kid's dad!! So I've been busy, LOL! But I'm back now, with a fresh new outlook on everything (thank you Kish!) and ready to go.


Blogger keesh said...

I am glad you have a new perspective and that Ex-Best friend crap just goes to show what type of person she really is. I am surprised you held it together and didn't go off on her.

1:36 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you know what? I have an ex best friend that was 100% interested in my ex husband. there should be a club for us people. except i never see her anymore, and thats okay with me. she had the audacity to be mean to ME when all the crap hit the fan. but he didn't go for her, he went for someone else, so he "broke" her heart. oh, i'm so sorry her heart got broke. poor lady.

7:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is kind of snoopy, but I was wondering, why does your ex best backstabbing friend come to your family functions? does she tie in somewhere else? that would really stink. I'm so paranoid about friends now, everytime my new best friend says she likes my husband, It makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, and i have to make sure and clarify with her what she means by that. LOL

11:39 PM

Blogger Emily Beth said...

I have an aunt who lives on the county fair parade route and every year she sets up a big breakfast for all our family and friends and we bring a dish to pass and watch the parade. It is alot of fun, and I've invited her in the past. But this year she definately wasn't invited! I think the worse part of the whole thing is that she goes on like nothing is different, like she didn't hurt me, like she has a right to pretend like we're still civil when it suits her. If it weren't for the fact that I like her parents and her son I would have thrown her ass out like yesterday's garbage.

9:32 AM


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