Thursday, July 21, 2005

Okay, can I just bitch about my mother for a moment!! Now I understand that my mother has 6 kids and that she is still raising my youngest brother but....does she have to be such a crabby bitch all the time! My brother Will has a girlfriend named Ashley. I like Ashley, I would go so far as to say that Ashley is the closest thing to a sister I've ever had. Anyway, Ashley spends alot of time with me and my family and sometimes she looks after the kid's for me. Today she was going to pick Haley and Ricky up after she got out of work and take them to my mothers house for dinner. I called my mom to set this up and she was, as always, reluctant but said it would be nice to see them. I quote, "they are my grandkids and they are always welcome in my home!" So I'm happy. Scott can get some extra sleep and the kid's can get a good meal (my mom is an awesome cook) and run around in the country air. Then when I get home Ashley tells me how grumpy my mom was and about how uncomfortable she made everyone feel. WHAT!! During dinner my mom complained about having to cook for everyone. As dinner was finishing up she tells Ashley that she (my mom) has alot to do and that Ashley needs to bring the kid's home as soon as they're done. She won't let my kid's color while they're there because she doesn't want a mess. Oh yeah, and she asks Ashley why my "lazy" husband isn't watching the kid's. Mind you he is on his 19th straight day in a row of working, he isn't lazy, he is a wonderful person who loves me and "our" kids, he is a wonderful provider, he gives me everything I could ever want...AND who does she think she is insulting my husband to anyone, especially in the presence of Haley and Ricky! WHAT A BITCH!!!!!!!! Now I feel better. I am going to have to dig deep to find a way to get past this...any advice?


Blogger keesh said...

Write her off :). Ok, if only it were that simple. YOu can't change her and you never will. I know how hard it is from personal experience....just be as "involved" as only you feel comfortable and that is enough! Or let her make the moves where the kids are concerned.

10:58 AM


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