Friday, September 30, 2005

So today while Scott is at work and the kid's are at school I clean. I mean deep clean. Cleaned out the cupboards and fridge, got on my hands and knees and scrubbed parts of the toilet I didn't know it had, steam cleaned the carpets, washed the lap blanket, and anything else that would fit in the washer. Why you may be asking...well my mother-in-law is coming to watch the kid's tomorrow morning while Scott and I are at work. As I explained to my friend Susie on her blog my m.i.l is alot like Marie and Everybody loves Raymond. She cooks and cleans way better than I do or as Scott says "she does it different, you do just fine but my mom does it different". I love my husband very much but it is hard being married to a momma's boy, don't tell him I said that because he will deny it till his death, but it's true. When we watch episodes of Everybody loves Raymond and I am rolling on the floor laughing my ass of, he just sits there. He says he doesn't understand the humor in it. Need I say any more.


Blogger keesh said...

My husband wont admit it either, but he is a Momma's boy. Once I do something for him a few times, he suddenly can't remember how to do it himself :)> But I don't feel like I have to clean like that for my MIL. she is so laid back. I always give her a hard time for turning her son into a spoiled Momma's boy :). Did I mention a slob too :)

10:47 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, you have to stop being so hard on yourself, just like I said before, I bent over backward for my MIL and the moment I dumped her physically, mentally abusive "boy", she called me the naughtiest names you can think of. Just be yourself, and as a matter of fact, make sure that whatever food you serve her, it has a nice dog hair right on it. AND if you're going to insist on cleaning for her, don't forget the cobwebbs, MIL's like her always notice those darn cobwebbs. And you can be sure that whatever candle you're burning she will say she's allergic to that smell, or it offends her. I hope to heck she's not STAYING at your house. Now thats stressful. Stock up on Mikes Hard Lemonade, and when you put it in a glass with ice, it just looks like lemonaid, or crystal light, but its actually a sedative, in order that you might deal with her monkey butt. Make sure she never gets ahold of this blog address.

4:42 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, I forgot. You mentioned that you visited the Focus on the Family Website. Make sure you sign up for all their free publications for you and your kids. I said that on my blog, but they have mag's called Clubhouse, and Clubhouse jr, according to age group. And they have mags for you that are free on marriage, and child rearing, along with audio cd's for devotions for the kids. its in the resource link. I'm planning on getting into their chat room thingy, and talking to other people about raising kids. Don't forget, also, they have "adventures in Odyssey", Which is an audio or video and the kids love it. You should be able to get all this stuff for free, I do. The biggest problem is that you can spend hours on that website. Thats the one i was talking about that I get hooked into reviews for movies and video games for the kids. Oh, my, i'm babbling. I'm just get so excited when I can share something good with someone else, its the social worker thingy in me.

4:49 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm really sorry, but just one more thing. I noticed you said you don't have a church yet, I don't either, but i still like to tithe a little, and so guess what I do? I give my money to Focus on the Family, and then I get even more of their resources. I'm so full of it today.

4:52 PM

Blogger Emily Beth said...

My favorite is Scott running around like a chicken with his head cut off, "where's my ...(insert word)...!!" "I can't find my ...(insert word)...!! The whole time it's right in front of his face and then when he does find it he's like.."who moved this, who was playing with this, who didn't put this away!!" HELLO DINGY, IT WAS YOU!! He's lucky he's so cute:)

9:14 AM

Blogger keesh said...

Hey Susie, I went to Focus on the Family website. those magazine's cost money. I wonder if it is cause you donate you get them for free? The Jr one was $15.00 for a year.

11:14 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought the mag's were free, at least I get them for free, I didn't know they were charging for them! I'll check into it.

6:00 PM


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