Sunday, October 02, 2005

I had a tough day today guys. First things first, my grandpa fell the other day and broke his leg. I thank God that it wasn't his hip because that can be really bad for older people, but he has a great attitude and I think he is going to be fine. My Aunt's and Uncle's are really rallying around to give him 24 hour care. Secondly, in case you aren't aware, Scott and I are having a bit of difficulty getting pregnant. It's been a little over a year since I've been on birth control and no luck. So I am getting to a point where it is hard for me to see pregnant women, newborns and even pregnancy test commercials. Anyway, today I had to host, along with my mom, a baby shower for my cousins wife. I am very happy for my cousin and his wife but it is hard. I could go on and on about my problems but tonight after I got home my mom calls and tells me, "your grandpa is fine, but your Aunt Carol just called and told me that your "Aunt" Kenny died". Now I don't care what your thought are on gays but my Uncle Paul is gay and his life partner was Kenny. They were some of the happiest people I knew. They loved each other very much and my "Aunt" Kenny was a wonderful person who always had a kind word or a funny joke. I will miss him very much.

Of the subject, but I realized that my name isn't real clear anywhere on my blog. For those of you who don't know, my name is Emily.

Hold those around you tight because you never know when they may be called home.


Blogger keesh said...

I am sorry you are having a tough time with things and about your family. I will pray for you and your family. As for the pregnancy thing, i have a great book you can borrow called "Taking Charge of Your Fertility." There are some great tips in there! You are welcome to it! But that means you have to get a hold of me :). Shawn is gone for two weeks so I am a lonely widow, so anytime you are bored, call!

8:07 AM

Blogger keesh said...

PS: Please try to count your blessings, you have two beautiful healthy children, a wonderful husband, a new house and a job you enjoy. You have dealt with so much and have put a lot of your past behind you. Things will happen when they are meant to for you and scott and you are both young! Take care and try to see the positives ok!

8:09 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry to hear about your aunt Kenny dying, Perhaps God has a special hand in this event as well for your uncle, and everything else, and you're right, its good that your granpa didn't break a hip, that happened to my grandma, and she was never the same, so praise God for that. also, when I was reading that you and scott are having trouble getting pregnant, i laughed, and I didn't mean it in a mean way, beacause I was thinking, "you and scott" and I was thinking, it's gonna be pretty hard to get scott pregnant:) With you on the other hand, remember Gods timing is perfect. And you just hang in there. I know thats hard to hear when you want something so bad.
I wish Gods timing was different some times, and that he would smote my ex husband right now, because I want him to, but God isn't doing that yet. dang it..

Glad to know your name Emily, I had a good friend over yesterday whose name is Emily, and I really like that name, it reminds me of a delicate, sweet person.

1:47 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's just the cutest thing I ever read. I noticed you, yourself have a blog? but it is not available to view. Why dont YOU write something?

5:57 PM


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