Thursday, July 13, 2006

Create your own friendquiz here


Blogger Jill said...

I'm not sure which questions I missed -- I think the first love thing and probably the high school instrument!! Good job, Scott!!!

11:32 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

banana R is me
i used an alias to sign up for that thing, heehee

i know which questions i missed, but it does not show the correct answer.
your shoe size
your siblings,
when you got married
and your fav color
are the ones i missed

6:59 PM

Blogger keesh said...

I did pretty damn good :). R U ever going to call me back? left message like weeks ago!

10:19 PM

Blogger Emily Beth said...

I am a size 11! Use to be a 9 till I had kid's. I have 5 brothers. I was married on April 7, 2004. My favorite color is blue.

I will get back to you soon, I'm just coming out of a funk. Still no babies in my future and I'm having a tough time dealing with that and all of the changes at my job. You know me, I am mixed up and I turn from my loved ones when I sad. I'll be back soon! I still love ya!

12:28 AM

Blogger keesh said...

Well em, you know me, I am a persistant bitch, so I will get you to talk soon :). I will email you some more stuff.

11:53 AM


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