Wednesday, November 30, 2005

I'm going to skip ahead to the 9th...Haley got her tonsils and adnoids out. We had to be there at 7:30 a.m.! Surgery wasn't until 8:30 so we got to sit in the waiting area for a whole hour. I just love doctor offices...NOT! So Haley is as charming as usual. She is teaching the nurses cheers that she's picked up at school (her nurse was a Western cheerleader) and laughing it up with anesthesiologist (sp??). She even got to leave a funny message on his cell phone. She was having a great, I was having a nervous breakdown. Then it was time for Scott and I to head out into the reception area and wait. Honestly it didn't take that long. I was very relieved to see the nurse but then she says to me, "she'll probably cry when she sees you, they all do." And there she was, all curled up in a recliner, hooked up to an I.V. crying. I wanted to scoop her up and make everything better and then it hit me. Like a hot, nauseating wave. The room got fuzzy and everyone's voices sounded miles away. I was gonna drop..WHAT HAD I DONE TO MY BABY!! "I need water." I heard myself squeak. Now there are two of us sick, sad and ready to go home. It was a hard day for all, but Haley was up and at it later that day and she is back to her bratty self again. May I never have to see my kid's like that again.


Blogger keesh said...

Yeah it is hard. mason was only 20 months old when he had his adenoids out and he cried and cried afterwards...I felt so bad for him

9:07 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

when the AN carried dylan off into that room, and i was left at the door, i had to leave, i cried and cried. and then when he woke up, he cried and cried. but then he was fine!

12:23 AM

Blogger Jill said...

Okay -- I can get to your blog now! Yee-ha!

12:26 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

emily, i went to costco last night and i couldn't find the supplement for lactose intolerance. it could be that i wasn't looking close enough or it could be my son and his friend who were flopping on the floor and otherwise being annoying and distracting.

let me know the name, or location if you can

3:17 PM


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